Kolar Dam

When it comes conservation of water the first thought appears in the conservation of rainwater are dams. As we know there is only 2.5% of the total water falls under freshwater, and from that 2.5% only 0.3% are on the surface in form of lakes ponds rivers etc. Dams are the man-made structure built to hold the water and work as a stoppage to its flow. One of the dams present in MP is Kolar dam near Bhopal which is around 40 km away from Bhopal. Kolar dam is counted in one of the largest dam present in MP and in India too. This dam is built on Kolar river which is a tributary to Narmada river. There is an abundance of greenery present near Kolar dam which attracts the flora and fauna lovers. Those beautiful scenes attract the photographers and to the people who love to explore their nature and nearby places. It is an outstanding place for outing too, so friends and family groups are really too much attracted by such places. Schooling children and college students enjoy camping over here as this offers them to get one step closer to the natural beauty. They use to play games all night with a bonfire placed between and with some soft music, the natural fruits, and vegetables which they pluck from the nearby areas and field help their outing to be more rememberable and fascinating. At evening time the view from the top of the dam was just amazing, the birds were chirping and moving back to their nests and the awesome sunset behind the plateaus after river Kolar was just extraordinary. As soon as the night falls and the darkness appears the groups present there dominates that darkness with their bonfire and with some good music. The transport facility is pretty good, we can reach there with the help of a cab or by train to Bhopal then by bus. The best weather to go there is monsoon or winter or we can go there in the summers too but prefer summers evening. The best month to enjoy that place is December - February, and June - August. There is a wide range spread all over the surroundings of flowers and trees, it's like a small forest where you can explore different and rare species of animals and plants (flora and fauna), those who take interest in botany biology or zoology, that place is like rich for their observation. Visitors should carry ample of time with them to explore all the nearby places to get a better experience. The dam has eight gates in total which are capable to hold millions and billions of liters of water. When the dam is about to fill its danger point in monsoon season, the officer used to open all gates of the dam to release thousands of litres of water within some moments, mostly all visitors visit in monsoon season to be an eyewitness of that moment when huge huge amount of water fall in front of their eyes. That scene was just fabulous to watch and it was an unforgettable memory of the visitors.