Islam Nagar

History of Bhopal is so rich and diverse, Bhopal's history is mostly connected with many rulers of the world, some of them are Mughals, Rajputs, Nawabs etc. As Bhopal is located nearly in the center of the country so all the rulers use to trade from Bhopal, and at that time Bhopal is capable of showing its potential to other states. A very famous place related to Mughals and Rajputs is Islam Nagar near Bhopal, it is around 14 km away from Bhopal main station, located on the highway of Bhopal-Bairasia. It is originally named as Jagadishpur. The place was founded by the local Rajputs but later on, it was captured by the Mughals and renamed it as Islam Nagar which means the city of Islam. Near Islam Nagar, there is an old mosque which is famous in itself named as Jama Masjid. Islam Nagar contains a rich and brief history of the Bhopal of about past 3 centuries, which tells about the religion, customs, beliefs, and other aspects of this beautiful city, Bhopal. There is a 'Chaman Mahal' which is the best garden among the gardens present in Islam Nagar, it is constructed with red stones and the prettiness is increased by the best laminar fountains. It also contains one 'Hamam' which means a Turkish bath. Another beautiful place to visit is 'Rani Mahal' which belongs to the queen, the place is also been pronounced by the Urdu name 'zenana' which means the place belongs to the women, zenana is the inner place of any house where women can work in an isolated condition without interruption of the outer world. Rani Mahal also contains one 'Deewan-e-aam' where the gatherings can be done with the queen or with any other member. Another unique thing is that the Shah Jahan Begum was born in Islam Nagar, which directly connects one of the greatest rulers in history with Bhopal. Islam Nagar is also known as Afghan capital of Bhopal. Rani Mahal is a two-story building which is now highly maintained by the government, Chaman Mahal can be found beside the Rani Mahal which is decorated with the best ever decoration to attract the tourists and other historians for a visit. Many foreigners visit Islam Nagar to know about the culture which use to practice in the era of Shah Jahan Begum. Some of the visitors who use to visit taj mahal also visit here to witness this eye-catching place. The transportation facilities are well and good. Islam Nagar is well connected to the other cities like Bhopal, Berasia, and Sanchi too, but the nearest place is Bhopal. The best time to visit here is in winters with the family or friends. This place is a huge attraction for the photographers as well as they always look for a good and fade place to capture in their photos. The best time to visit here is in evening. One should totally hit a visit here as it is the only place in central India where the great history of India can be found in such a better condition.