
Bhopal, a city which spread its beauty in all aspects like lakes, culture, modern living, history, and faith. And one of the place which attached with the faith of people is Asha puri temples. It is located near Obedullaganj about 35 km away from the main city of Bhopal. Asha Puri is majorly known for its temple counts, yes that is 26. A series of 26 temples founded till now whose parts have been scattered on the floor. Many structures, walls, and even statues are at the end of there extinction. As they are around a thousand and three hundred years old they have been punishing by the hard nature and they are at the end of their life. The biggest temple located in this Asha Puri area is the Bhoot Nath temple. On an archeological survey, it has been found that this series of temples are older than the Parmar dynasty from where the Raja Bhoj came to rule over middle India in Bhopal and other nearby places. Archaeologist have found over 400 remains of the statues of the Indian god, the biggest temple among them is yet to be cleaned and these steps are under the organization of Bhopal school of planning and architecture which is known as the third best architecture school of India. Some other organizations are also with this good work of cleaning this area and to refurbish this Asha Puri temple series and those organizations are the Cardiff University of Britain which is one of the most renowned university in the world. It is said about the construction work of Asha Puri that, the workers worked for about 200 years to built this Asha Puri in that era of 700 A.D. The unique thing about those temples are that, there is no use of the adhesive material to stick two stones, all the stones are only placed on one another without any cement or adhesive paste. There is a survey happened which counted the number of stone used to make these 26 temples which are counted above 10,000 in number, this is another unique thing about this place Asha Puri. From the past 2 years there is a team of around 150 people which visit here during certain intervals to study the carved statues on the walls which are now scattered on the floor and to study some of the most ancient sculpted statues to make a documentary, this team is affiliated to the Welsh school of architecture, Cardiff University. The place is just awesome that contains a pond and these partly alive temples which attract historians and most of the abstract photographers too. Many foreigners visit here to witness the vast history of the Indian culture and Indian diverse dynasties which ruled over Bhopal in that era. A must visit place for all the age grouped persons who are willing to know about the ancient culture, ritual, beliefs, and living. The transportation facility is well and good which takes about half an hour to an hour to reach this place. One can reach here with the help of train to Obedullaganj station or to Bhopal station and then with the cab or by bus, as this type of local facilities is provided with the best experience without trouble.