Manav Sangrahalaya

Nowadays people prefer to live with facilities but when the facilities were not there, at that time people has to face many problems and they came out with many fruitful solutions. So to witness these equipments which have been made by the materials available from nature the government of Madhya Pradesh tied up with central government and built a vast museum which is known as Manav Sanghralaya located in Bhopal, but the actual name of this museum is Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya and in the world it is popularly known as National Museum of Humankind. It is located on Shyamal hills in Bhopal which is around 13 km away from the main station and around 4 km away from the international bus stand. This museum is built to study anthropology, the museum also tells about how the man's life evaluated from the homo sapiens. This Manav Sanghralaya occupies an area of about 200 acres on Shyamala hills. It contains many statues, carvings in glass containers so the visitors can see them without damaging the original. There are a couple of galleries where all the specimen were kept. There is an entry fee for the individual or for a group which is very small to pay and one can spectate heavy arts and many other tools of our early life. Many historians around the globe visit here to study these specimen and then they prepare their projects or theory papers. Many guides are provided to explain the sculptures and other basic tools to the schooling children and to the visitors. This place is so famous in the schools as for the educational trips no other place is better than this Manav Sanghralaya. The transport facility is too good as this place is in the prime location of Bhopal. All, the localities and cab drivers know about this place and can easily drop any visitor to sanghralaya without any interruption. Any season can be preferred over here to hit a visit. This museum is open until 10:00 am to 05:30 pm except for Mondays as the museum is closed on Mondays. Many exhibitions put forward by the committee of the museum which is broadly categorized as -

a) Open-exhibitions,

b) Indoor galleries (Veethi-Sankul and Bhopal Gallery) and

c) Periodical/ Temporary exhibitions.

It also has other exhibitions categorized as

1. Online exhibitions,

2. Traveling exhibitions,

3. Special exhibitions and

4. Ongoing exhibitions.

many new ideas will be put forwarded in the future and they will be termed as -

Tribal Habitat,

Coastal Village,

Desert Village,

Himalayan Village,

Mythological Trail,

Traditional Technology park.

so in future, this museum will grow at an exponential speed, so one definitely hit a visit to observe all of them.