Sanchi Stupas

Sanchi is so famous within itself, that is doesn't need any explanation, yes Sanchi Stupas situated around 45 km away from Bhopal in Sanchi. Four stupas located on the top of a hill which is present in Sanchi. Stupas, a hemispherical structure made in the name of Lord Buddha. These structures were originally commissioned by the great ruler of India, Ashoka. These stupas are one of the oldest structures present in India. These all, four stupas were built in the Mauryan period in the 11th century. The first stupa was originally made as the same size as all four were, but later the first one is expanded and rebuilt around its double the volume. There are two floors created by the builders, the ground and the first floor, in the ground floor there is a long wall covered the whole stupa around 10 ft high where the visitors can roam around the stupa. There is no opening provided to go inside the stupa but there are some stairs present to go on the first floor, railings are provided which are primitive shaped railing and a crown type structure made at the top of the hemisphere.

The second stupa is one of the oldest stupas present in the Buddhist religion (older than the first stupa). The second stupa is also known as the oldest extensive stupa decoration in existence. Same as one & two there are two more stupas present in the different location of the hill which makes a diamond-like shape from the top when connected hypothetically. Beautiful carvings and structures made by the builders which attract many visitors and history lovers. Stupas are the most famous place in MP which also attracts foreigners and engineers too, as in that era (around 300 BCE) it is similar to impossible to make a structure which is a heavy structure like Stupas without machines, this makes Stupas more attractable and special. The whole place is covered by well-decorated gardens and plantations which are highly maintained by the organization of Sanchi Stupas. There is a temple of Buddha, so the people can take good vibes, blessings and can worship him. Stupas are so tall that one can see the whole Sanchi city from the first floor of stupas as they are 36 m in diameter and 21 m in height. Sanchi Stupas are also a world heritage site. Some facts about stupas are-

1) The gates of Sanchi Stupas dated back 2nd century BC.

2) Earlier they were not in good condition so the monuments have been restored, but they have been restored so well one cannot make a comment about its originality.

3) The inscription tells many stories when noticed with concentration.

4) The gateway of stupas narrates the story of Buddha's life.

So the conclusion is that it's a must visit place for everyone, the transport facility is well and good, no timings necessary to visit such beautiful place, any month is comfortable here just except summers as it is hard for visitors to walk on the stones.

Everyone should visit and try to know more about the history, rich history of their culture and beliefs.

Key Facts


Established by

It was originally commissioned by the emperor Ashoka in the 3rd century BCE.


Main Attraction

3 major Stupas


Total Stupas

Sanchi is the center of a region with a number of stupas including Satdhara (17 km from Sanchi, 40 stupas, the Relics of Sariputra and Mahamoggallana, now enshrined in the new Vihara, were unearthed there), Morel Khurd (on a fortified hilltop with 60 stupas).